LogRhythm is a SIEM that can be applied either in smaller organizations as a single software instance or in midsize to large organizations as a combination of different software applications. It offers log management, event management, reporting, user and file integrity monitoring. The product is easily and quickly deployed due to a helpful configuration wizard. Though LogRhythm is capable of event correlation, compared to its competitors it’s very basic and optimized for the most common use cases. Gartner has positioned the product in their Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management as one of the leaders.
Tags: alerts, commercial, dashboard, desktop, Interactive, interface, network, security, SIEM, tool4 articles Tag desktop
Sentinel, Security Manager (NetIQ)
The company NetIQ offers two SIEM solutions: Sentinel and Security Manager. Sentinel is a product originally offered by Novell. With the recent acquisition of the company by NetIQ there are two products overlapping in their functionality. In the future all functionality will be merged into the Sentinel solution. Sentinel’s strength lies in event correlation and real-time event management. Security Manager lacks this functionality and focuses more on host- and agentbased monitoring capabilities for server platforms, something missing in most SIEMs. Sentinel is a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant 2012
Tags: alerts, commercial, dashboard, desktop, Interactive, interface, network, security, SIEM, toolTable Lens
Table Lens is a visualization tool for large data sets, developed by Inxight in 1994. It is based on a “fisheye” visualization of tables, that was developed at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (see Paper: R.Rao, S.K.Card., The Table Lens: Merging Graphical and Symbolic Representations in an Interactive Focus + Context. Visualization for Tabular Information, CHI’94 Human Factors in Computing Systems. pp. 318-322, 1994
Tableau Software
Tableau is a software that provides companies and private users with a simple tool to create basic interactive graphs like maps, bar and line charts, heat maps and other from uploaded data files. There are different versions of the software for different use cases. You can use a desktop version to look at your data or you can create interactive graphics for the web and combine modules to form a dashboard, for example, to keep track of the development of a company’s business.